Israelis for Peace
Basic Demands and Principles
We, Israeli citizens living in Germany, have come together out of a sense of responsibility and commitment to the advancement of peace, equality, and justice for all people living in Israel-Palestine. We believe that all the people who were born in that place share a joint destiny. Based on our deep, first-hand knowledge of our homeland and sincere concern for its future and the future of our loved ones, we seek to advance a just solution for the future of the two peoples living there.
Germany has long wielded significant influence, both directly and indirectly, over the continuing conflict in the Middle East, and it therefore bears a great responsibility as well. We expect Germany, the country we live in, to actively promote a just diplomatic resolution to the bloody conflict in our home country, while adhering to the Federal Republic’s own commitments to human rights, international law, and previous declarations regarding these issues.
On the basis of its declared commitment to the protection of Jewish people, Germany often persecutes those who are critical of the State of Israel’s policies. However, in many of these cases, it is clear to us, as Israelis, that their criticism is legitimate and pertinent, and indeed justified and necessary. Moreover, such infringement on the freedom of speech strengthens extremist political forces in Germany, thereby undermining the safety of both Jews and Palestinians who reside in this country.
We, Israelis living in Germany, constitute a connecting link between Germany’s historical responsibility and the future of Israel-Palestine. The members of our movement come from a wide variety of backgrounds and represent a diverse range of opinions held by members of Israeli society. We aim to introduce peace-seeking voices from Israel-Palestine into the German public discourse and to promote policies directed toward peace. This document lays out the core points of agreement between us, forming the foundation of our activity.
Basic Demands:
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To ensure the safety and future of all those living in Israel-Palestine, the Israeli Government must cease violating the human rights of the Palestinian people and abide by international law.
In particular, it must:
End the military rule and stop the establishment and expansion of settlements in the territories occupied in 1967, and work toward a just permanent diplomatic resolution based on mutual recognition between Israelis, Palestinians, and the peoples of the region.
End the policies of systemic discrimination targeting Palestinians in all parts of the country, as well as the persistent attempts to expel Palestinians from their lands.
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The German government must realize its declarations and commitments to support a diplomatic solution. It must use all of its diplomatic power and political influence to advance peace, equality, and human rights for all in Israel-Palestine.
Core Principles:
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Justice, peace, and equality in Israel-Palestine:
Israelis and Palestinians have both the individual right to live in peace and equality and the collective right to self-determination and permanent presence in the country. Seeking to realize the rights of any one group at the expense of the other is unacceptable.
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Struggle against antisemitism and all forms of racism and discrimination:
Racism, antisemitism, and all forms of racial oppression are a threat to justice, peace, and freedom in every society and must be struggled against.
As stated in The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism: “while antisemitism has certain distinctive features, the fight against it is inseparable from the overall fight against all forms of racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, and gender discrimination.” Therefore, it is completely unacceptable to use the struggle against antisemitism in order to advance xenophobia, anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia, or any other form of discrimination.
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Freedom of speech and discussion:
The struggle against the State of Israel’s occupation, discrimination, and systemic oppression of Palestinians is essential for any peaceful and just future in Israel-Palestine.
Free and open public discussion is essential to all democratic societies. Germany must allow criticism, including harsh criticism, of Israeli policy. Insofar as specific problems arise regarding such criticism, they must be handled by democratic means and not through silencing and the use of force.